Hi has anyone found that the two latest issues of the TOC Magazine do not download but report that page cannot be found? The magazines are shown on the page that allows you to select which magazine you wish to view.
27th Sept. Can anyone suggest a solution to this problem? Does anyone know what c causes this problem?
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Feedback on Old and New Forum and Facebook
Last edited by gordon higginbotham; 27-09-2019, 05:34 PM. Reason: updating post, hoping that there will be some response from anyone.
Just found that the link to the Old Forum now works fine. Many thanks to whoever fixed it - much appreciated.
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I have observed that there s a link ago the old forum under tenhnical in place of the 'new' forum that was there and the lkinjk has been moved has been moved to where the old form was under 'Members'. But the link to the old forum in its new location does not work!! Good to see some positive progress in improving the website and no doubt the problem with the link to the old forum will be resolved soon.
With these changes that have been made has anyone n noticed any different behaviour in your login process?
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The old Forum appears to have been removed and is not found on Web Server at staging.talbotownersclub.co.uk.!! ?How do we access the past information that is not on the website?
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What is going on with the new website? My normal login details now no longer mats the TOC records!!
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Hi Gordon. Glyn is looking into the possibility of the latest version of vbulletin but he's extremely busy at the moment
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Guy, Could we please have some response to this last post re vBuletin.pdf and loading speed?
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Guy's comment on speed of loading of the New Forum compared to the STD forum is interesting as I use a MacBook Pro and Safari as browser. I took the trouble to contact vBulletin on this issue and attach the correspondence which is revealing:
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Facebook - of course we have no control and neither should we of members/people who prefer to post on FB. We have the link for easy access to FB but other than scrolling down the TOC FB page, there is no way I know of to search FB content
I have yet to use the FB share button and as yet, don't know how this works - to be added to the to do list!
I use my PC and laptop to access the forum and have no problems at all with loading speed
"Lost information" - this is on Glyn's to do list but it should be remembered that we are volunteers and have other things to do!
Combining STD and TOC forums - apart from replacing the defunct software of the old forum, the whole idea of the new TOC forum was to simplify it and make it a technical forum and therefore, easy to navigate and find Talbot matters. The STD Forum has different purposes - it contains many items that we now hold on our website - e.g. photo collections, chassis ledgers, etc, etc.
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Why not combine the STD and TOC forums......most of us are members of both clubs.
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Guy, thanks for posting the Facebook page link. I've put this in my Favourites toolbar giving me direct access to the TOC page.- Have found photos/posts but there is no search function other than by scrolling which underlines why the information should be within the new forum.
- I have just discovered (!) that when you view a post, in the grey coloured box on the left that contains poster’s name, there is a “f share” button. Please can we have an explanation of how to use this so that it posts your reply the TOC Facebook page as opposed to any other facebook page? I suggest that with clear step by step instructions this could mean that people can post on the New Forum and very simply post their comment and photos also on the TOC Facebook page. Even better, why not build this function into the “Post Reply” button of the forum? If so then this would achieve the dual purpose of automatic posting on the TOC facebook page by using the New Forum. Thus this would provide the long term record independent of facebook and be fully searchable via the new forum in-built search facility.
- Great to hear that the website link to the new forum is now imminent.
- Interesting that you find there is no difference in loading speed between New forum and STD forum. Have you tested this on different browsers and PC and Mac? I find the New forum to be slower on both Mac and iPhone.
- Have received your email and will reply to you.
- Designated club official - great to hear it is being worked on.
- Lost information - old to new forum / website - is there anyway members can help in this?
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https://www.talbotportal.com/forum/ will take you straight to the new forum. If you do not have a login you are able to view the forum but unable to reply to posts
Facebook - you will find the Facebook link at the bottom of the forum page, click on the FB link and you will be taken to the TOC Facebook page where you can view all posts/ photos.
Website link to the new forum - Glyn will be doing this - meeting web developers this week
I don't find the TOC forum slow to load and no different to the STD Forum in speed
Loading all members - email to follow
Designated club official to respond to technical queries - this is being worked on
Lost information - old to new forum / website. It's not lost, when time is available it will be loaded
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Thanks for your post. It raises further questions for me!- Am I to understand that using https://www.talbotportal.com/forum/ will take you to the new forum directly even if you are not already logged in and “remembered”? If so why do you need the user login?
- Facebook - where are the Facebook photos located and how do I search for them? You say that they are all there but I haven’t found them! Will I be able to find the comments associated with a photograph and if so how?
- When will the “Members Area” have a button labelled “New Forum” added rather than buried under the “Technical” Button and the existing “Forum” button relabelled “Old Forum”?
- Can we have an answer as to why the New Forum is so much slower to load compared to the STD Forum when they both use vBulletin?
- Can you please message me on exactly what would be involved if I was to volunteer to load the 300 plus details so I can estimate how much time would be involved?
- Should a club official(s) be tasked with co-ordinating a response to members technical queries to ensure that they get some sort of answer rather than being left in a perpetual state of hope or dejection when there is no response?
- I understand the logic that has been applied to the development of the new website and simplification of the new forum by containing significant material from the old forum within the new website and that this allows simplification of the New Forum. Obviously populating the New Forum with all the information from the old forum should not be necessary. When you compare the ‘old’, the ‘new’ and the new website what information has been lost in that it is neither in the new website or the new forum? I assume that between you and Glyn there is a record which would be great to examine. Or do I need to carry out a major detailed research to identify what has been lost at the moment?
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