The TOC website, under "Members Area", lists "Forum ". Clicking on this takes you to the Old Forum. Unless you know the page address for the New Forum there is no way you can get to it. The page address as shown in the TOC magazine 97 "" and this takes you there. Since the page address for the Portal page after you have logged in is "" you might expect that page to have a link to the New Forum, page address "". So should the members area have buttons for both Old and New Forum and/or should there be a New Forum button on the logged in Portal page?
Perhaps I am missing the point but I assume that we are meant to be using the New Forum in preference to the Old Forum. I can see that having both New and Old Forum in the members area might be confusing but could that be overcome by preventing posting into the Old Forum but having all the data and search function preserved?
Perhaps I am missing the point but I assume that we are meant to be using the New Forum in preference to the Old Forum. I can see that having both New and Old Forum in the members area might be confusing but could that be overcome by preventing posting into the Old Forum but having all the data and search function preserved?